- Solutions built with Azure.
- 61 Azure Regions now!
- More than AWS & Google combined.
- New DCs in Israel, Mexico, Spain, Poland, New Zealand.
- Helping with COVID-19.
- Amanda Silver joined, CVP for VS Family and Developer Tools.
- Donovan Brown
- Virtual Standup – Sunrise Standup app. (Is that the name?)
- Azure Static Webapp.
- Azure Functions.
- Sunrise app.
- Azure and GitHub work together using GitHub actions to create CI/CD pipelines.
- Every commit downloads, builds, tests code and deploys it to Azure.
- You can see Deployment history from the Azure portal as GitHub Actions.
- Amanda will add functionality to map with pins using Azure Static Webapp.
- Back to Amanda.
- She’s running locally with VS Code.
- Install Azure Static Webapp extension for VS Code.
- Lightning button lets you create an endpoint and it scaffolds out an Azure Function.
- You paste in your code.
- You can also launch Full Stack app in the menu, i.e. front end and back end.
- (I think she’s on a Mac)
- VS Code Pull Request extension.
- Back to Donovan.
- He saw the notification in Teams.
- Click on the link for the PR.
- Then he can see the code running in the staging environment.
- He wants to change the theme.
- He wants dark theme, not light theme.
- Codespaces turns web browsers into development environments.
- VS Code + Extensions + Libraries.
- “Color-customized version of Bulma” theme.
- Every machine is now a developer machine with Codespaces.
- Back to Amanda
- Announcing Azure Static Web Apps today.
- Jeff Hollan
- Azure Kubernetes Service.
- Lift and shift apps to Azure.
- Azure Private Link enables private communications for your Kubernetes apps.

- Cognitive Services
- Personalizer Apprentice Mode
- Speech Voice Styles – tailor the voice in your apps.
- Enhanced Container Support – GA for Text Analytics, General Understanding (?)
- httprepl
- Uses Swagger.
- Related to CosmosDB.
- Back to Scott.
- Talking about how Starbucks uses Microsoft technologies.
- Julia White (CVP Azure Marketing) and Gerri Martin-Flickinger (CTO Starbucks).
- Rohan Kumar, CVP Azure Data Engineering.
- Predictive Analytics and ML.
- Azure Synapse looks like it brings it all together.

- Azure Synapse Link is being announced today.