Tardis Technologies

Scott Guthrie Keynote

  1. Solutions built with Azure.
  2. 61 Azure Regions now!
    1. More than AWS & Google combined.
    2. New DCs in Israel, Mexico, Spain, Poland, New Zealand.
  3. Helping with COVID-19.
  4. Amanda Silver joined, CVP for VS Family and Developer Tools.
  5. Donovan Brown
    1. Virtual Standup – Sunrise Standup app. (Is that the name?)
    2. Azure Static Webapp.
    3. Azure Functions.
    4. Sunrise app.
    5. Azure and GitHub work together using GitHub actions to create CI/CD pipelines.
    6. Every commit downloads, builds, tests code and deploys it to Azure.
    7. You can see Deployment history from the Azure portal as GitHub Actions.
    8. Amanda will add functionality to map with pins using Azure Static Webapp.
  6. Back to Amanda.
    1. She’s running locally with VS Code.
    2. Install Azure Static Webapp extension for VS Code.
    3. Lightning button lets you create an endpoint and it scaffolds out an Azure Function.
    4. You paste in your code.
    5. You can also launch Full Stack app in the menu, i.e. front end and back end.
    6. (I think she’s on a Mac)
    7. VS Code Pull Request extension.
  7. Back to Donovan.
    1. He saw the notification in Teams.
    2. Click on the link for the PR.
    3. Then he can see the code running in the staging environment.
    4. He wants to change the theme.
      1. He wants dark theme, not light theme.
    5. Codespaces turns web browsers into development environments.
    6. VS Code + Extensions + Libraries.
    7. “Color-customized version of Bulma” theme.
    8. Every machine is now a developer machine with Codespaces.
  8. Back to Amanda
    1. Announcing Azure Static Web Apps today.
  9. Jeff Hollan
    1. Azure Kubernetes Service.
    2. Lift and shift apps to Azure.
    3. Azure Private Link enables private communications for your Kubernetes apps.
    4. Cognitive Services
      1. Personalizer Apprentice Mode
      2. Speech Voice Styles – tailor the voice in your apps.
      3. Enhanced Container Support – GA for Text Analytics, General Understanding (?)
    5. httprepl
      1. Uses Swagger.
      2. Related to CosmosDB.
  10. Back to Scott.
    1. Talking about how Starbucks uses Microsoft technologies.
  11. Julia White (CVP Azure Marketing) and Gerri Martin-Flickinger (CTO Starbucks).
  12. Rohan Kumar, CVP Azure Data Engineering.
    1. Predictive Analytics and ML.
    2. Azure Synapse looks like it brings it all together.
    3. Azure Synapse Link is being announced today.